Why Open Source Works for Weapons and Defense
I was intervewed by Jay Lymon of NewsForge for this article. (January, 2006)
Army Battle Command Systems (ABCS) Testing: A Systems-of-Systems Approach
Paper and Presentation published and presented in Milcom (The Military Communications Symposium), 2005
Software Engineering and Ethics was presented for a seminar at Iona college in New York, 2002
Trusting Software: Malicious Code Analyses
Paper published and presented in Milcom (The Military Communications Symposium), 1999
Ethics in Military and Civilian Software Development (Short Form)
Was presented and published in Ethicomp ’99, Fifth International Conference on Ethical Issues of Information Technology, LUISS (Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali) Guido Carli University,University of Rome, Rome, Italy, October, 1999
Chaired in and participated on panel based on this paper, Panelists included Wynn Schwartau and Robert Steele, HOPE 2000, July 2000, New York, New York
Ethics in Military and Civilian Software Development (Long Form)
Received the second place award for the 1999 Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) Fort Monmouth Chapter Call for Technical Papers Competition
was published and presented at the National Information Systems Security Conference (NISSC), Crystal City, VA, October, 1998.
Published and Presented at the National Information Systems Security Conference (NISSC), Hosted by the NCSC (National Computer Security Center) of the NSA (National Security Agency), Crystal City, VA, October, 1998
Received the third place award for the 1999 Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) Fort Monmouth Chapter Call for Technical Papers Competition
Republished in Information Security and Regulation, Datapro’s Computer and Communications Services (the “Datapro Publications”), The Gartner Group, Inc., Delran, NJ, 1999
Published and Presented at Ethicomp '98, Fourth International Conference on Ethical Issues of Information Technology, March, 1998, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Received the first place award for the 1999 Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) Fort Monmouth Chapter Call for Technical Papers Competition
Republished in Information Security and Regulation, Datapro’s Computer and Communications Services (the “Datapro Publications”), The Gartner Group, Inc., Delran, NJ, 1999
Republished and Presented at the National Information Systems Security Conference (NISSC), Hosted by the NCSC (National Computer Security Center) of the NSA (National Security Agency), Crystal City, VA, October, 1998
Published and Presented at 1997 International Symposium on Technology and Society: Technology and Society at a Time of Sweeping Change (IEE, IEEE, British Computer Society) , June 1997, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Presented and published at Military Communications International Symposium (MILCOM) 1999, November, 1999, Atlantic City, New Jersey
Republished and Presented at the National Information Systems Security Conference (NISSC), Hosted by NCSC (National Computer Security Center) of the NSA (National Security Agency), Crystal City, VA, October, 1998
Presented for the ISSA (Information Systems Security Association), NYC Metro Chapter, September 1997, New York City
Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), Special Interest Group for Security, Audit, and Control (SIGSAC) Review, Volume 14 Number 3, July 1996
Performance Benchmarking of Unix Audit Trail Systems
This paper was my Masters Thesis at Monmouth University, NJ, 1994. My Advisor was Dr. Ed. Amoroso